YOUR NEXT NEXT™ is a proprietary coaching approach for career development. Our approach is one that leads to more meaningful and deeper conversations about career aspirations and organizational needs that are mutually beneficial to both managers and employees.
We have developed a survey and corresponding model that provides a view for both managers and their employees of key dimensions that influence career decisions. By providing deeper insight into one's career goals, work relationships, level of satisfaction and vision of the future, managers are better prepared for feedback sessions and employees can be more confident when having career discussions.
This is an ideal solution for organizations to offer to new managers and early to mid-career talent. Your Next Next coaching offers one or several options to organizations:
Workshops with Groups of Managers
Helpful in preparing managers for talent reviews and feedback sessions
Coaching Circles
Offered to employees who are at similar points in career, high potential groups or affinity groups
Individual Coaching
Includes the YOUR NEXT NEXT™ Survey and the NBI (a thinking styles assessment)
We at YOUR NEXT NEXT™ believe that satisfying and purposeful work can be crafted. It starts with preparation and then direct conversation between managers and employees. It often requires both parties to be bolder and more direct than they may have been in the past, but by mastering this approach, everyone benefits. By bringing honesty and trust to these conversations, your organization will be one step closer to your next next.
YOUR NEXT NEXT™ was created by two Columbia University certified Executive and Leadership Coaches; Christine Alvarez and Eileen Springer. Both Christine and Eileen bring deep corporate experience in Human Resources and Marketing along with their Coaching credentials, and they are passionate about helping professionals find more satisfaction and purpose at work.